A collection of server administration utilities.
Command | Description |
/addrole <rolename> [user]
Add a role to a user. |
/removerole <rolename> [user]
Remove a role from a user. |
Edit role settings. |
/editrole colour <role> <value>
Edit a role's colour. |
/editrole name <role> <name>
Edit a role's name. |
Change how announcements are sent in this guild. |
/announceset channel [channel]
Change the channel where the bot will send announcements. |
/announceset clearchannel
Unsets the channel for announcements. |
/selfrole <selfrole>
Add or remove a selfrole from yourself. |
/selfrole list
Lists all available selfroles. |
Manage selfroles. |
/selfroleset add [roles...]
Add a role, or a selection of roles, to the list of available selfroles. |
/selfroleset remove [roles...]
Remove a role, or a selection of roles, from the list of available selfroles. |
/selfroleset clear
Clear the list of available selfroles for this server. |
Check new users with AltDentifier API
Command | Description |
/altcheck [member]
Check a user on AltDentifier. |
Manage AltDentifier Settings. |
/altset action <level> [action]
Specify what actions to take when a member joins and has a certain Trust Level. |
/altset unwhitelist <user_id>
Remove a user from the AltDentifier whitelist. |
/altset settings
View AltDentifier Settings. |
/altset channel [channel]
Set the channel to send AltDentifier join checks to. |
/altset whitelist <user_id>
Whitelist a user from AltDentifier actions. |
Receive and moderate staff applications with customizable questions.
Command | Description |
Apply to be a staff member. |
Various Application settings. |
/applyset channel [channel]
Set the channel where applications will be sent. |
/applyset questions
Set custom application questions. |
/applyset settings
See current settings. |
/applyset applicant [role]
Set the Staff Applicant role. |
/applyset accepter [role]
Set the role that can accept/reject applications. |
/accept <target>
Accept a staff applicant. |
/deny <target>
Deny a staff applicant. |
Auto-Roles (Give Roles on User Join)
Command | Description |
Autorole commands |
/autorole enable
Enable autorole |
/autorole list
List all roles in the autorole list |
/autorole disable
Disable autorole |
/autorole add <role>
Add a role to be assigned to all new joins |
/autorole remove <role>
Remove a role from the autorole list |
Play battleship with one other person.
Command | Description |
Start a game of battleship. |
Stop the game of battleship in this channel. |
/battleshipboard <channel>
View your current board in an ongoing game. |
Config options for battleship. |
/battleshipset imgboard [value]
Set if the board should be displayed using an image. |
/battleshipset extra [value]
Set if an extra shot should be given after a hit. |
/battleshipset mention [value]
Set if players should be mentioned when their turn begins. |
[PREMIUM] Do calculations from Discord with buttons!
Command | Description |
/calculate [calculation]
Calculate a simple expression. |
Play Cards Against Humanity in DMs.
Command | Description |
/game [message]
Displays the game's current status. |
/chat [message]
Broadcasts a message to the other players in your game. |
/lay [card]
Lays a card or cards from your hand. If multiple cards are needed, separate them by a comma (1,2,3). |
/pick [card]
As the judge - pick the winning card(s). |
Shows your hand. |
Starts a new Cards Against Humanity game. |
Leaves the current game you're in. |
/joincah [id]
Join a Cards Against Humanity game. If no id or user is passed, joins a random game. |
Displays up to 10 CAH games in progress. |
Display the score of the current game. |
Shows who laid their cards and who hasn't. |
/removeplayer [name]
Removes a player from the game. Can only be done by the player who created the game. |
Flushes the cards in your hand - can only be done once per game. |
/idlekick [setting]
Sets whether or not to kick members if idle for 5 minutes or more. Can only be done by the player who created the game. |
This cog contains commands used for "cleaning up" (deleting) messages. This is designed as a moderator tool and offers many convenient use cases. All cleanup commands only apply to the channel the command is executed in. Messages older than two weeks cannot be mass deleted. This is a limitation of the API.
Command | Description |
Base command for deleting messages. |
/cleanup after [message_id] [delete_pinned=False]
Delete all messages after a specified message. |
/cleanup bot <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Clean up command messages and messages from the bot in the current channel. |
/cleanup between <one> <two> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the messages between Message One and Message Two, providing the messages IDs. |
/cleanup text <text> <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the last X messages matching the specified text in the current channel. |
/cleanup messages <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the last X messages in the current channel. |
/cleanup self <number> [match_pattern] [delete_pinned=False]
Clean up messages owned by the bot in the current channel. |
/cleanup before [message_id] <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Deletes X messages before the specified message. |
/cleanup user <user> <number> [delete_pinned=False]
Delete the last X messages from a specified user in the current channel. |
/cleanup duplicates [number=50]
Deletes duplicate messages in the channel from the last X messages and keeps only one copy. |
Manage the settings for the cleanup command. |
/cleanupset notify
Toggle clean up notification settings. |
Play Connect 4!
Command | Description |
/connect4 <member>
Play Connect 4 with another player. |
/connect4 stats [member]
View Connect 4 stats. |
Conversation Games such as: Would you Rather, Never have I Ever, and Truth or Dare
Command | Description |
Would you rather? |
Never have I |
/truth <user>
Ask a truth question to users! |
/dare <user>
Dare someone! |
[PREMIUM] Gather information about various crypto currencies, stocks, and converts to different currencies
Command | Description |
/btc [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from BTC to a given currency. |
/eth [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from ETH to a given currency. |
/ltc [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from LTC to a given currency. |
/xmr [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from XMR to a given currency. |
/bch [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from BCH to a given currency. |
/doge [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
converts from XDG to a given currency. |
/multicoin [coins...]
Gets the current USD value for a list of coins |
/crypto <coin> [amount=1.0] [currency=USD] [full]
Displays the latest information about a specified crypto currency |
/stock <ticker> [currency=USD]
Gets current ticker symbol price. |
/convertcurrency <currency1> <currency2> [amount=1.0]
Converts a value between 2 different currencies |
The Core cog has many commands related to core functions. These commands come loaded with every Timmy bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.
Command | Description |
Shows info about [botname]. |
Shows [botname]'s uptime. |
Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you. |
/mydata 3rdparty
View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module. |
/mydata whatdata
Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why. |
/mydata forgetme
Have [botname] forget what it knows about you. |
/mydata getmydata
[Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you. |
Commands for toggling embeds on or off. |
/embedset showsettings [command]
Show the current embed settings. |
/embedset server [enabled]
Set the server's embed setting. |
/embedset channel [enabled]
Set's a channel's embed setting. |
/embedset user [enabled]
Sets personal embed setting for DMs. |
/embedset command <command> [enabled]
Sets a command's embed setting. |
/embedset command server <command> [enabled]
Sets a commmand's embed setting for the current server. |
Shows [botname]'s invite url. |
Commands for changing [botname]'s settings. |
/set showsettings
Show the current settings for [botname]. |
/set removeadminrole <role>
Removes an admin role for this guild. |
/set deletedelay [time]
Set the delay until the bot removes the command message. |
/set addadminrole <role>
Adds an admin role for this guild. |
/set addmodrole <role>
Adds a moderator role for this guild. |
/set removemodrole <role>
Removes a mod role for this guild. |
/set usebotcolour
Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds. |
/set serverprefix [prefixes...]
Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es). |
/set nickname [nickname]
Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server. |
/set serverfuzzy
Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server. |
/set locale <language_code>
Changes the bot's locale in this server. |
/set regionalformat [language_code]
Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers. |
/contact <message>
Sends a message to the owner. |
Commands to manage the server specific allowlist. |
/localallowlist add <users_or_roles...>
Adds a user or role to the server allowlist. |
/localallowlist remove <users_or_roles...>
Removes user or role from the allowlist. |
/localallowlist clear
Clears the allowlist. |
/localallowlist list
Lists users and roles on the server allowlist. |
Commands to manage the server specific blocklist. |
/localblocklist remove <users_or_roles...>
Removes user or role from local blocklist. |
/localblocklist add <users_or_roles...>
Adds a user or role to the local blocklist. |
/localblocklist list
Lists users and roles on the server blocklist. |
/localblocklist clear
Clears the server blocklist. |
Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs. |
/command disablecog <cog>
Disable a cog in this server. |
/command disable <command>
Disable a command. |
/command disable server <command>
Disable a command in this server only. |
/command listdisabledcogs
List the cogs which are disabled in this server. |
/command enable <command>
Enable a command. |
/command enable server <command>
Enable a command in this server. |
/command listdisabled
List disabled commands. |
/command listdisabled global
List disabled commands globally. |
/command listdisabled guild
List disabled commands in this server. |
/command enablecog <cog>
Enable a cog in this server. |
Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions. |
/autoimmune list
Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity. |
/autoimmune add <user_or_role>
Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions. |
/autoimmune remove <user_or_role>
Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions. |
/autoimmune isimmune <user_or_role>
Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions. |
Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list. |
/ignore list
List the currently ignored servers and channels. |
/ignore channel [channel]
Ignore commands in the channel or category. |
/ignore server
Ignore commands in this server. |
Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list. |
/unignore server
Remove this server from the ignore list. |
/unignore channel [channel]
Remove a channel or category from the ignore list. |
[PREMIUM] Contains commands for creating and managing custom commands that display text. These are useful for storing information members might need, like FAQ answers or invite links. Custom commands can be used by anyone by default, so be careful with pings. Commands can only be lowercase, and will not respond to any uppercase letters.
Command | Description |
Base command for Custom Commands management. |
/customcom list
List all available custom commands. |
/customcom cooldown <command> [cooldown] [per=member]
Set, edit, or view the cooldown for a custom command. |
/customcom raw <command>
Get the raw response of a custom command, to get the proper markdown. |
/customcom delete <command>
Delete a custom command. |
/customcom show <command_name>
Shows a custom command's responses and its settings. |
/customcom search <query>
Searches through custom commands, according to the query. |
/customcom create <command> <text>
Create custom commands. |
/customcom create simple <command> <text>
Add a simple custom command. |
/customcom create random <command>
Create a CC where it will randomly choose a response! |
/customcom edit <command> [text]
Edit a custom command. |
Command | Description |
Group command for controlling the web dashboard for Timmy. |
/dashboard roles
Customize the roles that have permission to certain parts of the dashboard. |
/dashboard roles info <role>
List permissions for a registered role. |
/dashboard roles edit <role> [permissions...]
Edit the permissions registered with a registered role. |
/dashboard roles perms
Displays permission keywords matched with humanized descriptions. |
/dashboard roles delete <role>
Unregister a role from the dashboard. |
/dashboard roles list
List roles registered with dashboard. |
/dashboard roles create <role> [permissions...]
Register a new discord role to access certain parts of the dashboard. |
Install community cogs made by Cog Creators. Community cogs, also called third party cogs, are not included in the default Red install. Community cogs come in repositories. Repos are a group of cogs you can install. You always need to add the creator's repository using the `[p]repo` command before you can install one or more cogs from the creator.
Command | Description |
/findcog <command_name>
Find which cog a command comes from. |
Get rich and have fun with imaginary currency!
Command | Description |
Base command to manage the bank. |
/bank prune
Base command for pruning bank accounts. |
/bank prune server [confirmation=False]
Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server. |
/bank prune user <user> [confirmation=False]
Delete the bank account of a specified user. |
/bank transfer <to> <amount>
Transfer currency to other users. |
/bank set <to> <creds>
Set the balance of a user's bank account. |
/bank reset [confirmation=False]
Delete all bank accounts. |
/bank balance [user]
Show the user's account balance. |
Get some free currency. |
/leaderboard [top=10] [show_global=False]
Print the leaderboard. |
Base command to manage Economy settings. |
/economyset slottime <duration>
Set the cooldown for the slot machine. |
/economyset registeramount <creds>
Set the initial balance for new bank accounts. |
/economyset showsettings
Shows the current economy settings |
/economyset paydaytime <duration>
Set the cooldown for the payday command. |
/economyset slotmin <bid>
Set the minimum slot machine bid. |
/economyset paydayamount <creds>
Set the amount earned each payday. |
/economyset slotmax <bid>
Set the maximum slot machine bid. |
/economyset rolepaydayamount <role> <creds>
Set the amount earned each payday for a role. |
Tools for Managing Custom Emojis
Command | Description |
Manage Adding Emoji's Easily. |
/steal emoji <emojis...>
Add some emojis to this server. |
/steal fromimage
Add an emoji to this server from a provided image. |
F1 data.
Command | Description |
F1 Group Command |
/f1 circuits [year]
F1 circuits by season year. |
/f1 standings
F1 Standings |
/f1 standings constructors
/f1 standings drivers
/f1 notify [role]
Optionally, ping a role during the Race Day notifications. |
/f1 next
Find out when the next F1 Grand Prix is scheduled to take place. |
/f1 recent
F1 most recent race result. |
/f1 drivers [year]
F1 drivers by season year. |
/f1 race <year> <round>
F1 race result. |
/f1 constructors [year]
F1 constructors by season year. |
/f1 subscribe [channel]
Subscribe a channel to F1 Race Day notifications. |
/f1 qualifying <year> <round>
F1 race result. |
/f1 schedule [year]
F1 schedule by season year. |
[PREMIUM] Host Giveaways
Command | Description |
Manage the giveaway system |
/giveaway explain
Explanation of giveaway advanced and the arguements it supports. |
/giveaway entrants <msgid>
List all entrants for a giveaway. |
/giveaway start [channel] <time> <prize>
Start a giveaway. |
/giveaway reroll <msgid>
Reroll a giveaway. |
/giveaway integrations
Various 3rd party integrations for giveaways. |
/giveaway advanced <arguments>
Advanced creation of Giveaways. |
/giveaway info <msgid>
Information about a giveaway. |
/giveaway list
List all giveaways in the server. |
/giveaway end <msgid>
End a giveaway. |
A Simple google search with image support as well
Command | Description |
Yandex related search commands |
/yandex reverse [url]
Attach or paste the url of an image to reverse search, or reply to a message which has the image/embed with the image |
Google Parent Command |
/google reverse [url]
Attach or paste the url of an image to reverse search, or reply to a message which has the image/embed with the image |
/google search [query]
Google search your query from Discord channel. |
/google image [query]
Search google images from discord |
[PREMIUM] Welcomes a user to the server with an image.
Command | Description |
Configuration options for the welcome image. |
/imgwelcome channel <channel>
Set the announcement channel. |
/imgwelcome size <profilesize>
Set the profile size in pixels. Use one number, 128 is recommended. |
/imgwelcome border [bordercolor]
Set the profile image border color. |
/imgwelcome font
Font settings. |
/imgwelcome font list
List fonts in the directory. |
/imgwelcome font name <font_name> [size]
Change the name text font. |
/imgwelcome font server <font_name> [size]
Change the server text font. |
/imgwelcome font reset
Reset the fonts used and the font size back to default settings. |
/imgwelcome font welcome <font_name> [size]
Change the welcome text font. |
/imgwelcome toggle
Toggle welcome messages on the server. |
/imgwelcome clear
Set the background to transparent. |
/imgwelcome nametext <name_text_color>
Set the name text color. Use hex code for color (#000000). |
/imgwelcome upload [default]
Upload a background through Discord. 500px x 150px. |
/imgwelcome outline [outline]
Set the text outline. White or black. |
/imgwelcome servertext <server_text_color>
Set the server text color. Use hex code for color (#000000). |
/imgwelcome bonus
Toggle display of additional text welcome messages when a user joins the server. |
/imgwelcome bonus user
Toggle text announcement when a user is x 100th to join or #1337. |
/imgwelcome bonus warn
Toggle text announcement when a new user's account is <7d old. |
/imgwelcome preview [member] [number]
Show a welcome image with the current settings. |
/imgwelcome welcometext <welcome_text_color>
Set the welcome text color. Use hex code for color (#000000). |
Create a channel with updating server info This relies on editing channels, which is a strictly rate-limited activity. As such, updates will not be frequent. Currently capped at 1 per 5 minutes per server.
Command | Description |
Toggle info channel for this server |
Toggle different types of infochannels |
/infochannelset name <channel_type> [text]
Change the name of the infochannel for the specified channel type. |
/infochannelset togglechannel <channel_type> [enabled]
Toggles the infochannel for the specified channel type. |
/infochannelset rolename <role> [text]
Change the name of the infochannel for specific roles. |
/infochannelset togglerole <role> [enabled]
Toggle an infochannel that shows the count of users with the specified role |
[PREMIUM] Local Discord Leveling System
Command | Description |
/stars <user>
Reward a good noodle |
Customize your profile |
/myprofile namecolor <hex_color>
Set a hex color for your username |
/myprofile statcolor <hex_color>
Set a hex color for your server stats |
/myprofile background [image_url]
Set a background for your profile |
/pf [user]
View your profile |
Prestige your rank! |
View the Leaderboard |
View the star leaderboard |
Access LevelUP setting commands |
/levelset mention
Toggle levelup mentions |
/levelset dm
Toggle DM notifications |
/levelset admin
Cog admin commands |
/levelset admin guildbackup
Backup guild data |
/levelset admin guildreset
Reset cog data for this guild |
/levelset admin cleanup
Delete users no longer in the server |
/levelset admin looptimes
View current looptimes |
/levelset admin guildrestore
Restore a guild backup |
/levelset embeds
Toggle using embeds or generated pics |
/levelset view
View all LevelUP settings |
/levelset levelchannel [levelup_channel]
Set LevelUP message channel |
/levelset addxp <user_or_role> <xp>
Add XP to a user or role |
/levelset roles
Level role assignment |
/levelset roles initialize
Initialize level roles |
/levelset roles autoremove
Automatic removal of previous level roles |
/levelset roles add <level> <role>
Assign a role to a level |
/levelset roles del <level>
Assign a role to a level |
/levelset prestige
Level Prestige Settings |
/levelset prestige level <level>
Set the level required to prestige |
/levelset prestige autoremove
Automatic removal of previous prestige level roles |
/levelset prestige add <prestige_level> <role> <emoji>
Add a prestige level role |
/levelset prestige del <prestige_level>
Delete a prestige level role |
/levelset starcooldown <time_in_seconds>
Set the star cooldown |
/levelset algorithm
Customize the leveling algorithm for your guild |
/levelset algorithm base <base_multiplier>
Base multiplier for the leveling algorithm |
/levelset algorithm exp <exponent_multiplier>
Exponent multiplier for the leveling algorithm |
/levelset voice
Voice settings |
/levelset voice rolebonus <role> <min_xp> <max_xp>
Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain roles |
/levelset voice invisible
Ignore invisible voice users |
/levelset voice muted
Ignore muted voice users |
/levelset voice solo
Ignore solo voice users |
/levelset voice xp <voice_xp>
Set voice XP gain |
/levelset voice deafened
Ignore deafened voice users |
/levelset seelevels
Test the level algorithm |
/levelset messages
Message settings |
/levelset messages xp [min_xp=3] [max_xp=6]
Set message XP range |
/levelset messages rolebonus <role> <min_xp> <max_xp>
Add a range of bonus XP to apply to certain roles |
/levelset messages cooldown <cooldown>
Cooldown threshold for message XP |
/levelset messages length <minimum_length>
Set minimum message length for XP |
/levelset ignored
Base command for all ignore lists |
/levelset ignored member <member>
Add/Remove a member from the ignore list |
/levelset ignored channel <channel>
Add/Remove a channel in the ignore list |
/levelset ignored role <role>
Add/Remove a role from the ignore list |
Ping the bot to see its prefixes.
Command | Description |
Toggle whether mentioning the bot will send a help message. |
Moderation tools.
Command | Description |
/slowmode [interval=0:00:00]
Changes channel's slowmode setting. |
/rename <member> [nickname]
Change a member's nickname. |
/userinfo [member]
Show information about a member. |
/names <member>
Show previous names and nicknames of a member. |
/kick <member> [reason]
Kick a user. |
/ban <user> [days] [reason]
Ban a user from this server and optionally delete days of messages. |
/massban <user_ids...> [days] [reason]
Mass bans user(s) from the server. |
/tempban <member> [duration] [days] [reason]
Temporarily ban a user from this server. |
/softban <member> [reason]
Kick a user and delete 1 day's worth of their messages. |
/voicekick <member> [reason]
Kick a member from a voice channel. |
/voiceunban <member> [reason]
Unban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
/voiceban <member> [reason]
Ban a user from speaking and listening in the server's voice channels. |
/unban <user_id> [reason]
Unban a user from this server. |
Manage server administration settings. |
/modset dm [enabled]
Toggle whether a message should be sent to a user when they are kicked/banned. |
/modset defaultdays [days=0]
Set the default number of days worth of messages to be deleted when a user is banned. |
/modset hierarchy
Toggle role hierarchy check for mods and admins. |
/modset mentionspam
Manage the automoderation settings for mentionspam. |
/modset mentionspam kick <max_mentions>
Sets the autokick conditions for mention spam. |
/modset mentionspam ban <max_mentions>
Set the autoban conditions for mention spam. |
/modset mentionspam strict [enabled]
Setting to account for duplicate mentions. |
/modset mentionspam warn <max_mentions>
Sets the autowarn conditions for mention spam. |
/modset defaultduration <duration>
Set the default time to be used when a user is tempbanned. |
/modset reinvite
Toggle whether an invite will be sent to a user when unbanned. |
/modset tracknicknames [enabled]
Toggle whether nickname changes should be tracked. |
/modset deleterepeats [repeats]
Enable auto-deletion of repeated messages. |
/modset showsettings
Show the current server administration settings. |
Manage log channels for moderation actions.
Command | Description |
Manage modlog settings. |
/modlogset resetcases
Reset all modlog cases in this server. |
/modlogset modlog [channel]
Set a channel as the modlog. |
/modlogset cases [action]
Enable or disable case creation for a mod action. |
/case <number>
Show the specified case. |
/casesfor <member>
Display cases for the specified member. |
/listcases <member>
List cases for the specified member. |
/reason [case] <reason>
Specify a reason for a modlog case. |
Extended modlogs Works with core modlogset channel
Command | Description |
Toggle various extended modlog notifications |
/modlog embeds <set_to> [events...]
Set modlog events to use embeds or text |
/modlog unignore <channel>
Unignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands |
/modlog botdeletes
Toggle message delete notifications for bot users |
/modlog emojiset <emoji> [events...]
Set the emoji used in text modlogs. |
/modlog channel <channel> [events...]
Set the channel for modlogs. |
/modlog ignore <channel>
Ignore a channel from message delete/edit events and bot commands |
/modlog all <set_to>
Turn all logging options on or off |
/modlog nickname
Toggle nickname updates for user changes |
/modlog resetchannel [events...]
Reset the modlog event to the default modlog channel. |
/modlog delete
Delete logging settings |
/modlog delete bulkdelete
Toggle bulk message delete notifications |
/modlog delete individual
Toggle individual message delete notifications for bulk message delete |
/modlog delete cachedonly
Toggle message delete notifications for non-cached messages |
/modlog botchange
Toggle bots from being logged in user updates |
/modlog botedits
Toggle message edit notifications for bot users |
/modlog commandlevel [level...]
Set the level of commands to be logged |
/modlog toggle <set_to> [events...]
Turn on and off specific modlog actions |
/modlog colour <colour> [events...]
Set custom colours for modlog events |
Play monopoly with 2-8 people.
Command | Description |
/monopoly [savefile]
Play monopoly with 2-8 people. |
/monopoly delete [savefiles...]
Delete one or more save files. |
/monopoly list
List available save files. |
/monopolyconvert <savefile>
Convert a savefile to work with the latest version of this cog. |
/monopolyconvert list
List save files that can be converted. |
Stop the game of monopoly in this channel. |
Config options for monopoly. |
/monopolyset minraise [value]
Set the minimum raise in auctions. |
/monopolyset go [value]
Set the base value of passing go. |
/monopolyset luxury [value]
Set how much Luxury Tax should cost. |
/monopolyset bail [value]
Set how much bail should cost. |
/monopolyset darkmode [value]
Set if the board should be a darker varient. |
/monopolyset startingcash [value]
Set how much money players should start the game with. |
/monopolyset hotellimit [value]
Set a limit on the number of hotels that can be bought. |
/monopolyset maxjailrolls [value]
Set the maximum number of rolls in jail before bail has to be paid. |
/monopolyset doublego [value]
Set if landing on go should double the amount of money given. |
/monopolyset timeout [value]
Set the amount of time before the game times out. |
/monopolyset houselimit [value]
Set a limit on the number of houses that can be bought. |
/monopolyset mention [value]
Set if players should be mentioned when their turn begins. |
/monopolyset freeparking [value]
Set the reward for landing on free parking. |
/monopolyset income [value]
Set how much Income Tax should cost. |
/monopolyset auction [value]
Set if properties should be auctioned when passed on. |
Mute users temporarily or indefinitely.
Command | Description |
/voicemute <users...> [reason]
Mute a user in their current voice channel. |
/voiceunmute <users...> [reason]
Unmute a user in their current voice channel. |
Mute settings. |
/muteset senddm <true_or_false>
Set whether mute notifications should be sent to users in DMs. |
/muteset makerole <name>
Create a Muted role. |
/muteset settings
Shows the current mute settings for this guild. |
/muteset showmoderator <true_or_false>
Decide whether the name of the moderator muting a user should be included in the DM to that user. |
/muteset notification [channel]
Set the notification channel for automatic unmute issues. |
/muteset role [role]
Sets the role to be applied when muting a user. |
/muteset defaulttime [time]
Set the default mute time for the mute command. |
Displays active mutes on this server. |
/mute <users...> [time_and_reason]
Mute users. |
/mutechannel <users...> [time_and_reason]
Mute a user in the current text channel. |
/unmute <users...> [reason]
Unmute users. |
/unmutechannel <users...> [reason]
Unmute a user in this channel. |
A rich embed ping command with latency timings.
Command | Description |
A rich embed ping command with timings. |
Automatic Private VCs with Lobby Private VCs that are created automatically, with permission overrides for a lobby channel.
Command | Description |
Set Up Private VC Systems |
/privaterooms edit
Edit a PrivateRooms System |
/privaterooms edit toggle <system_name> <true_or_false>
Toggle a PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms edit name <system_name> <channel_name_template>
Edit the Lobby channel for a PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms edit origin <system_name> <origin_channel>
Edit the Origin channel for a PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms edit logchannel <system_name> [channel]
Edit the log channel for a PrivateRooms system in this server (leave blank to set to None). |
/privaterooms edit lobby <system_name> <lobby_channel>
Edit the Lobby channel for a PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms edit bitrate <system_name> <bitrate_in_kbps>
Edit the new VC bitrate (in kbps) for a PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms remove <system_name> <enter_true_to_confirm>
Remove a PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms toggle <true_or_false>
Toggle PrivateRooms in this server. |
/privaterooms view
View the PrivateRooms settings in this server. |
/privaterooms add <system_name> <origin_channel> <lobby_channel> <default_bitrate_in_kbps> <channel_name_template>
Add a new PrivateRooms system in this server. |
/privaterooms clearactive <system_name> <enter_true_to_confirm>
Clears the cache of current active PrivateRooms. |
Put misbehaving users in timeout where they are unable to speak, read, or do other things that can be denied using discord permissions. Includes auto-setup and more.
Command | Description |
/punish <user> [duration] [reason]
/punish end <user> [reason]
Removes punishment from a user before time has expired |
/punish cstart <user> [duration] [reason]
Same as [p]punish start, but cleans up the target's last message. |
/punish start <user> [duration] [reason]
Puts a user into timeout for a specified time, with optional reason. |
/punish warn <user> [reason]
Warns a user with boilerplate about the rules |
/punish clean [clean_pending=False]
Removes absent members from the punished list. |
/punish reason <user> [reason]
Updates the reason for a punishment, including the modlog if a case exists. |
/punish list
Shows a table of punished users with time, mod and reason. |
/punishset overrides [channel]
Copy or display the punish role overrides |
/punishset channel [channel]
Sets or shows the punishment "timeout" channel. |
/punishset reset-overrides [channel_type=both]
Resets the punish role overrides for text, voice or both (default) |
/punishset clear-channel
Clears the timeout channel and resets its permissions |
/punishset case-min [timespec]
Set/disable or display the minimum punishment case duration |
/punishset setup
(Re)configures the punish role and channel overrides |
Cog for racing animals
Command | Description |
Race related commands. |
/race stats [user]
Display your race stats. |
/race wipe
This command will wipe ALL race data. |
/race bet <bet> <user>
Bet on a user in the race. |
/race version
Displays the version of race. |
/race enter
Allows you to enter the race. |
/race start
Begins a new race. |
Race settings commands. |
/setrace mode <mode>
Changes the race mode. |
/setrace wait <wait>
Changes the wait time before a race starts. |
/setrace payoutmin <players>
Sets the number of players needed to payout prizes and bets. |
/setrace prize <prize>
Sets the prize pool for winners. |
/setrace togglepool
Toggles on/off prize pooling. |
/setrace bet
Bet settings for race. |
/setrace bet min <amount>
Sets the betting minimum. |
/setrace bet max <amount>
Sets the betting maximum. |
/setrace bet multiplier <multiplier>
Sets the betting multiplier. |
/setrace bet toggle
Toggles betting on and off. |
Poll Channels w/ Auto-Reactions Set up poll channels in which reactions with emojis contained in messages are automatically added. In addition, reactions with the respective numbers and letters will be added (up to the reaction limit) when a range is input in the form of `(x-x)` at the beginning of a message. Range Examples: - `(1-10) What did you think of that event?` - `(A-F) What do you think your grade is?` - `(0-infinity) How many books have you read?` In that last example, the reactions for the numbers 0-10 would be added, then the infinity emoji (`inf` can also be written instead). Note: this currently does not support skin tones due to the Unicode mess that creates for regular expression matching.
Command | Description |
Settings for ReactionPolls |
/reactionpolls setchannel <channel> [default_emojis...]
Set a ReactionPoll channel and its default emojis (e.g. thumbs-up and down) for messages where no auto-reactions were detected. |
/reactionpolls removechannel <channel>
Remove a ReactionPoll channel. |
/reactionpolls view
View the current settings for ReactionPolls. |
/reactionpolls toggle [channel] <true_or_false>
Toggle any or all ReactionPoll channel(s). |
Utilities to remind yourself of whatever you want
Command | Description |
/remind <time> <reminder_text>
Remind yourself of something in a specific amount of time |
/remind list
List your reminders |
/remind offset <offset_time_in_hours>
Set a basic timezone offset |
/remind forget
Forget your reminders |
/remind forget one <index_number_of_reminder>
Forget one of your reminders |
/remind forget all
Forget **all** of your reminders |
Create user reports that server staff can respond to. Users can open reports using `[p]report`. These are then sent to a channel in the server for staff, and the report creator gets a DM. Both can be used to communicate.
Command | Description |
Manage Reports. |
/reportset output <channel>
Set the channel where reports will be sent. |
/reportset toggle
Enable or disable reporting for this server. |
/report [text]
Send a report. |
/report interact <ticket_number>
Open a message tunnel. |
Useful Role Management Commands.
Command | Description |
/role <member> <role>
Base command for modifying roles. |
/role color <role> <color>
Change a role's color. |
/role rin <target_role> <remove_role>
Remove a role from all members of a another role. |
/role create [color=#000000] [hoist=False] [name]
Creates a role. |
/role humans <role>
Add a role to all humans (non-bots) in the server. |
/role name <role> <name>
Change a role's name. |
/role rhumans <role>
Remove a role from all humans (non-bots) in the server. |
/role hoist <role> [hoisted]
Toggle whether a role should appear seperate from other roles. |
/role in <target_role> <add_role>
Add a role to all members of a another role. |
/role uniquemembers <roles...>
View the total unique members between multiple roles. |
/role add <member> <role>
Add a role to a member. |
/role addmulti <role> <members...>
Add a role to multiple members. |
/role remove <member> <role>
Remove a role from a member. |
/role removemulti <role> <members...>
Remove a role from multiple members. |
/role colors
Sends the server's roles, ordered by color. |
/role all <role>
Add a role to all members of the server. |
/role rbots <role>
Remove a role from all bots in the server. |
/role members <role> [formatting={member} - {member(id)}]
Sends a list of members in a role. |
/role target
Modify roles using 'targeting' args. |
/role target remove <role> <args>
Remove a role from members using targeting args. |
/role target add <role> <args>
Add a role to members using targeting args. |
/role rall <role>
Remove a role from all members of the server. |
/role bots <role>
Add a role to all bots in the server. |
/role info <role>
Get information about a role. |
/multirole <member> <roles...>
Add multiple roles to a member. |
/multirole remove <member> <roles...>
Remove multiple roles from a member. |
Create Reaction Roles with Buttons!
Command | Description |
Group of commands for use RolesButtons. |
/rolesbuttons add <message> <emoji> <role> [style_button=2] [text_button]
Add a role-button to a message. Use `/sendembed` to send a message as the bot. |
/rolesbuttons bulk <message> [roles_buttons]...
Add roles-buttons to a message. |
/rolesbuttons remove <message> <button>
Remove a role-button to a message. |
/rolesbuttons clear <message>
Clear all roles-buttons to a message. |
Speak as if you were the bot
Command | Description |
/say [channel] [text]
Make the bot say what you want in the desired channel. |
/sayd [channel] [text]
Same as say command, except it deletes your message. |
/interact [channel]
Start receiving and sending messages as the bot through DM |
Command | Description |
Backup commands |
/backup list
List all backups |
/backup delete <id>
Delete a backup. |
/backup restore <id>
Restore a backup. |
/backup create
Create a backup of the current server |
Detailed Server Info
Command | Description |
Show server information with some details. |
Simply send embeds.
Command | Description |
/sendembed [color] <text>
Send an embed. |
Create custom slash commands. Read the Docs on how to do so here :
Command | Description |
Slash Tag management with TagScript. |
/slashtag remove <tag>
Delete a slash tag. |
/slashtag user <tag_name> <tagscript>
Add a user command tag with TagScript. |
/slashtag message <tag_name> <tagscript>
Add a message command tag with TagScript. |
/slashtag list
View stored slash tags. |
/slashtag pastebin <tag_name> <link>
Add a slash tag with a Pastebin link. |
/slashtag add <tag_name> <tagscript>
Add a slash tag with TagScript. |
/slashtag raw <tag>
Get a slash tag's raw content. |
/slashtag usage
See this slash tag usage stats. |
/slashtag edit <tag> <tagscript>
Edit a slash tag. |
/slashtag edit name <tag> <name>
Edit a slash tag's name. |
/slashtag edit description <tag> <description>
Edit a slash tag's description. |
/slashtag edit argument <tag> <argument>
Edit a single slash tag's argument by name. |
/slashtag edit tagscript <tag> <tagscript>
Edit a slash tag's TagScript. |
/slashtag edit arguments <tag>
Edit a slash tag's arguments. |
/slashtag info <tag>
Get info about a slash tag that is stored on this server. |
Various Slot Machine games
Command | Description |
/slots [bid=0]
Play some slot games |
SteamCommunity commands
Command | Description |
SteamCommunity commands |
/steamcommunity profile <profile>
Get steam user's steamcommunity profile |
/getserver <serverip>
Get info about a gameserver |
Sticky messages to your channels.
Command | Description |
/sticky <content>
Sticky a message to this channel. |
/sticky existing <message_id_or_url>
Sticky an existing message to this channel. |
/sticky toggleheader <true_or_false>
Toggle the header for stickied messages in this channel. |
/unsticky [force=False]
Remove the sticky message from this channel. |
Strike users to keep track of misbehaviour.
Command | Description |
/strike <member> <reason>
Strike a user. |
/delstrike <strike_id>
Remove a single strike by its ID. |
/delstrikes <member>
Remove all strikes from a member. |
/strikes <member>
Show all previous strikes for a user. |
/allstrikes [num_days=30]
Show all recent individual strikes. |
/strikecounts [num_days=0] [limit=100] [sort_by=count] [sort_order=desc]
Show the strike count for multiple users. |
Support Ticket system with buttons/logging
Command | Description |
Base support settings |
/supportset blacklist <user>
Add/Remove users from the blacklist |
/supportset maxtickets <max_tickets>
Set the max amount of tickets a user can have opened |
/supportset logchannel <log_channel>
Set the log channel |
/supportset buttoncontent <button_content>
Set what you want the support button to say |
/supportset buttoncolor <button_color>
Set button color(red/blue/green/grey only) |
/supportset buttonemoji <emoji>
Set a button emoji |
/supportset tname <default_name>
Set the default ticket channel name |
/supportset noresponse <hours>
Auto-close ticket if opener doesn't say anything after X hours of opening |
/supportset ticketembed
(Toggle) Ticket message as an embed |
/supportset dm
(Toggle) The bot sending DM's for ticket alerts |
/supportset view
View support settings |
/supportset selfrename
(Toggle) If users can rename their own tickets |
/supportset category <category>
Set the category ticket channels will be created in |
/supportset transcript
(Toggle) Ticket transcripts |
/supportset selfclose
(Toggle) If users can close their own tickets |
/supportset supportmessage <message_id>
Set the support ticket message |
/supportset selfmanage
(Toggle) If users can manage their own tickets |
/supportset ticketmessage <message>
Set the message sent when a ticket is opened |
/supportset autoclose
(Toggle) Auto ticket close if user leaves guild |
/supportset supportrole <role>
Add/Remove ticket support roles (one at a time) |
/add <user>
Add a user to your ticket |
/srename <new_name>
Rename your ticket channel |
Claim a ticket |
/sclose [reason]
Close your ticket |
Command | Description |
Group for timezone/ip info |
/tz list [start]
List all available timezones |
/tz to <timezone> [from_timezone]
Convert to specified timezone |
/tz default [timezone...]
Sets your default timezone |
Random Utility Commands
Command | Description |
Get info about the bot |
[PREMIUM] Translate everything!
Command | Description |
/translate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text! |
/dtranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with DeepL! |
/gtranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with Google Translate! |
/ltranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with LibreTranslate! |
/mtranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with MyMemory! |
/rtranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with Reverso! |
/ttranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with! |
/ytranslate <to_language> [from_language=Auto] <text>
Translates the given text with Yandex Translate! |
/texttoemoji <text>
Convert the given text to emojis! |